
My Journey: Campus Chef to CEO

nathan downs, founder of foodspot, putting finishing touches on dessert with intent

Fresh food is the cornerstone of health, happiness and culture. It should always be an option for all people. This blog shares my journey through the business, ingredient, craft and technology experiences that make fresh food accessibility my life’s work.

Labor: The 800 lb. Gorilla

gorilla pacing in green grass

Today, savvy operators can trim food cost a percentage point here and there with best practices while still maintaining quality. The labor market, on the other hand, is perpetually unveiling a new rock bottom.

Merchandising Kit

$750 value

  • Shelf Rollers
  • “Swipe, Grab, & Go” decal
  • Bluetooth sticker scanner
  • 20 product detail shelf clips
  • Metal shelf row dividers
  • 6 clear plastic shelf end caps
  • Castles UPT1000 credit card reader
  • Bluetooth sticker scanner

Smart Fridge Microstore

$7500 value (DC8)

$9999 value (BA1)

Starting Sticker Inventory

$600 value

Higher Ed or Healthcare Campus? Schedule here.

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Branded Consumer App

$300 value

Free with 5-Fridge Launch Package

Merchandising Kit

$750 value

  • Shelf Rollers
  • “Swipe, Grab, & Go” decal
  • Bluetooth sticker scanner
  • 20 product detail shelf clips
  • Metal shelf row dividers
  • 6 clear plastic shelf end caps
  • Cantaloupe ePort credit card reader
  • Bluetooth sticker scanner

Operator Training Program

$750 value

Our smart vending experience can help your sales soar.

First Month's Services

$199 value